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  1. Hello to All! I'm pretty new to the whole fitness and working out thing. Didn't care for it much until recently. well, my body is what some will describe as skinny-fat, pretty chunky looking in my chest and stomach/ab area. arms and legs are pretty skinny with not too much muscle at the moment...I have been vegetarian for about 3 years now..lately i have been eating a lot of carbs and not working out. i noticed not-so-good changes and that is why im hear now..tired of my body's look and i know i can change it to how i want, but it will take work.. what I am here for is advice on how to reach my goal. I would like to gain weight, muscle, strength, and lose some fat..at least enough so i can look tone, you know..my current weight is probably somewhere between 140-150 and im about 6ft... what should I do..should I bulk ? do I cut then bulk? how can I gain weight and muscle but lose fat simultaneously? should i just focus on body building or throw in cardio? sorry for all the sudden questions..its just what was in my mind. any advice or pointing the me to the right direction would be greatly appreciated! thanks!!
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