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About Cromagzz

  • Birthday 06/29/1990

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. No my parents said that if the passing out happened again to go get blood work done. Which it hasn't. I eat at least 4-5 servings of greens a day and take a multivitamin supplement just in case. I have had a problem recently sleeping and being tired all the time. I recently added cardio back in my workouts two months ago and I thought that that was the culprit. I am always carving sugar and I am almost always hungry. I looked it up and I am pretty my a walking adrenal fatigue case. I should probably go to the doctor but they said online that it's something that most doctors over look it.
  2. Hi Eiji! Thank you for getting back to me. When I first switched to a vegan diet I did pass out at work one day. I have never passed out before. My parents are doctors and everything checked out fine. They said it was probably because my adrenal glands weren't producing enough but I never knew that would effect fat loss. Is it possible for me to get them functioning properly again?
  3. Hi everyone! So to give some back history. I competed for the first time this year. Yay me! During my prep I had a hard time losing body fat and didn't look the way I wanted at the time to go on stage. I really enjoyed competing though and liked having a goal in mind. I had a coach too yet we couldn't figure out why I could get my body fat lower. I was even on a very restricted Iifym diet and killed myself with cardio to get results. Fast forward 4 months, after reverse dieting my husband and switched to a vegan lifestyle and diet! We love what we stand for l! He was getting great results from switching to a vegan lifestyle. But for me besides feeling good I have gained quiet a bit of weight. About .5lb a week and it's not muscle-_-. I'm going into my 3rd month as a vegan and the weight gain continues. I kept my macros the same after my reverse to switching. The only difference was percentage(80/10/10). I have even recently switched my macros to 75c/15p/10f and cut fruit to see if I could stabilize the weight gain. Still nothing! I need help! I am frustrated and need advice. I want to compete in the summer next year and do a small cut this winter. What should I be doing differently?
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