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  1. When it comes to the BEST Vegan protein and one truly suitable for Body Builders and Extreme Athletes most think of the obvious. Rice / Pea / Hemp / Soy .... Yet the bottom line is besides the grams per protein what matters is the Bio Availability of protein isomers, and really free form high availability Amino Acids and Amino Chain precursors. All the sources cited have protein, it needs to be broken down, and as most of these sources need to be cooked during processing or when taken the protein is denatured and rendered mostly useless. I have used unheated / unbleached versions of the sources listed above yet, another issue comes to play and is one that plagues Vegans and a criticism agains a vegan lifestyle. Iron deficiency and lack of a full mineral intake including the highly needed trace minerals. Well here is where my secret protein source is a true ACE!!! Chlorela and Spirulina. Organic Broken Cell 60% Protein by weight, and not just protein but Super Bio Available Amino chains Full spectrum of most needed minerals High Iron content Omega and other fatty acid content needed for cell membrane / axonal coating (great reflexes / fast muscle action) Best of all it's not cooked, chemically treated, or heat treated when desicated (well some see below) I used to take a power and blended into shakes, but now take tablets. They dissolve and crumble for maximum absorption, I take a handful with juice or other drink when I wake up, again at breakfast, and twice the dose after a workout, again in mid afternoon and before bed. All in all I end up taking a few OZ a day very easily, and don't have to deal with forcing myself to eat a vomit shake of densely slimy rice / pea powder that tastes the way it looks... They go down supper easy, there is no regurgitating taste all day as with some other stuff... and if you take it with a nice fresh vegy + fruit + fresh mink drink it's even a pleasure. Guys it's a no brainer ! I'm not saying dump all other protein sources, no but you can have a more balanced, definitely more enjoyable and EFFECTIVE diet by adding a couple of ounces of Chlorella / Spirullina to your everyday schedule. If you're not a high demand athlete or body builder even easier just 15 500mg tables will give you a supper boost because of the high availability amino acids, minerals, and besides you are getting over 100% of your Iron in a natural high quality state. You can't build muscle if you're not also producing a lot of new blood i.e. IRON I buy one or two pounds at a time of this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Organic-Sun-dried-Chlorella-Spirulina-1-2-Pound-500mg-broken-cell-wall-tablets-/111942417148?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT because it's Organic, GMP quality, cell wall broken, and killer price (about 40% less than other vendors for same weight). Best of all it's a 50/50 Chorela & Spirullna mix which is the way to go for all the Protein, Minerals, Iron, Omega and Chlorophyll Add Tempeh, Seitan, and organic Soybean (Japanese / Korean) to round it out and you can definitely put on massive muscle weight and power, without the cramps, and other weird symptoms people without the right mineral intake and well insulated nerve fibers get (twitch, random painful contractions) etc. give it a try, you won't regret http://www.ebay.com/itm/Organic-Sun-dried-Chlorella-Spirulina-1-2-Pound-500mg-broken-cell-wall-tablets-/111942417148?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/0IAAAOSwvFZW7twZ/s-l500.jpg
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