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  • Tatum Miranda


    Name: Tatum Miranda
    Date of Birth: January 14th
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 110lbs
    Birthplace: S.H.A.P.E. AFB in Mons, Belgium
    Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA
    Sports: Bikini Bodybuilding, Yoga & Swimming
    Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr & Mobli @TatumMiranda
    Website(s): www.TatumMiranda.com

    Tell us a little about yourself, what you do for a living, what hobbies / interests / passions you have.

    I have been modeling since a very young age and began swimwear/lingerie modeling when I was 16 because I was not tall enough for fashion. I am also a recording artist, music is my passion. I am currently working on my first Album. I love to swim, read, cook and spend time in my garden.

    Why did you become vegan?

    I decided to become vegan for just basic health reasons. Longevity and anti-aging. I am also very spiritual and it is hard to really connect when being blocked by a heavy diet. I used to be a huge meat eater and one day I just went cold turkey and said hey.. Lets give this a try, and it's been working for me. I've discovered a whole new world of foods.

    When and why did you become interested in fitness?

    I began fitness modeling when I was about 22 years old and just fell in love with the sport. My ex- fiance was a trainer and he pushed me to bulk up and start competing. I worked out all the time but never really had to diet much because I was so thin naturally. I took top placings in my first 5 competitions and then began to diet more as the competitions grew more popular. Bikini was brand new when I started out.

    How would you describe your nutrition program?

    I buy everything organic. I also try to stay gluten free as much as possible. I stay away from white starches such as white rice, bread, pasta and potatoes. I eat a lot of quinoa and a ton of fruits and vegetables. I love juicing in the mornings and I use a raw vegan protein powder. I incorporate a lot of super foods into my cooking such as spirulina, chlorella, bee products, hemp and flax oil, chia seeds, maca and cacao powder and wheat grass. I eat a lot of kale, beets, carrots, and I love tomatoes! I also take a lot of vitamins and supplements.

    How would you describe your training program?

    My training differs a lot from most simply that I only really train as a show approaches then take as much time off as possible after. My body has great muscle memory though and it is hard for me to get out of shape. For cardio I either swim or do interval training on the treadmill. Sometimes I'll do some intense workout videos and I love to do yoga. When in season I train at least 5 days a week and I aim for twice a day. Cardio before breakfast and weights in the late afternoon. I love to work out legs because mine have always been strong. I am aiming more now to define my upper body a little. I love to use free weights and I do a lot of stretching before and after. I also love to go to the beach and rope climb, run up and down the stairs or just jog along the boardwalk.

    What kind of supplements do you use if any, and why?

    Like I said before I use a raw vegan protein powder, I use vitamin code products because they are all raw vegan (multi-vitamin, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, coq10, and digestive enzymes) I take HMB, Glutamine, BCAA's, 5-HTP and Alpha Lipoic Acid. I also occasionally take super food tablets.

    How do people react when they find out you are vegan?

    Well living in Los Angeles it is pretty normal and most of my friends are vegan, some are even raw vegan. It is hard to do a vegan bodybuilding diet but if you can get it down it is worth it.

    What are some common misconceptions about veganism?

    People think you can only eat what you would see in a typical vegi-platter. They have no idea how many options and types of food are still available.

    Have you had success in promoting veganism / vegetarianism to others? If so, how did you go about it?
    I don't really try, to each their own. If they eat at my house that is all they will get though.

    What do you think the most important aspect of training is?

    Consistence. Keeping yourself motivated to stay in a routine.

    What do you like best about being vegan?

    I have more energy and just feel better about myself in general. It also makes my skin glow!

    What do you like best about being fit?

    Well honestly I've never really not been fit but it is definitely a confidence booster. I was in sports all through grade school and my parents always fed me healthy so it was never hard transition for me.

    What advice do you have for people who are just starting out with training?
    Don't give up. The first weeks are the worst weeks but it will get better and when you see the results you will want to go even harder. Don't rely on other people to go to the gym with you. Just go and do you and don't be shy.

    What advice do you have for people who are thinking of becoming vegan?
    It is a huge change but for some people it really works. Just make sure to do your research to know exactly what to eat so you don't have any deficiencies. I know people who are vegan and always sick because they limit themselves without the knowledge of proper replacement foods that your body needs to function.

    What motivates you in life?
    I am motivated by everything, my career, my trainers Dexter Jackson & Gale Elie - I'm a part of Team Blade, my parents, my boyfriend and most of all myself. I just get in this mood and that's it.

    What do you think of veganbodybuilding.com? Has it helped or inspired you?
    I think this website is amazing for people who want to try a new healthy way of bodybuilding. So many don't think that it is realistic but this site is proof that there are many doing it.

    Do you have any other thoughts you'd like to share?
    Use yourself as an example to show others that anything is possible.


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